Jan 2, 2012

new year, new horizons

Hi everyone!

I think you guys are gonna see a lot of changes in our social networks.  I'm updating everything with brand new stuff and also I'm adding some new social networks to our connections. I wanna stay in touch with you guys in all possible ways, since I believe in the power of the internet. Let's say I'm embracing with my 2 hands that old concept I'm always talking about: INDIE POWER.

About the brand: I made some choices, some opportunities are lost, some other new and WONDERFUL opportunities/changes/chances coming soon. It's 2012, maybe the end of the world (lol) so I'm trying my best this year to make this huge concept behind the brand something more powerful, artistic, commercial.

Our new and unique commercial line is on the way (woohooo), a nice international project is taking its form, and small artistic projects coming soon in the next days. So.. Let's work!!

And for now I'm not gonna promise to write more posts around here, I'll just do it.. Sharing some ideas, inspirations and everything that comes in my mind when it's about tchibi :)

I've just listened to this and I really liked the whole energy and vibe:

see ya!