Jul 8, 2011

Elle Magazine!

just saw one of the dresses at Elle Brazil magazine! :) I'll post a picture soon(i needddd a sscaaaannn offff thiisss paagggeeee!). Maybe, for huge brands it is nothing, but I am really proud of that since I am going totally indie, working in a small room at Guarulhos.. but always trying to design something relevant!

Jul 4, 2011

mega artesanal

thank you all guys who helped in my last designs. Today I am organizing my work station and then I'll be starting some new projects.There are some news coming soon, stay tuned :)
I'm preparing a big text to post here about my last impressions of my work and market, but now I'm gonna ask you guys to take a look at tchibi's facebook page !

here, you guys can check some pics at the mega artesanal: