Some days ago I gave an very interesting interview to the blog Stylishyme. There, you can learn a little bit more about my creative process and my was as designer.
Why did you choose knitting as your main form of expression?It was totally by chance, I grew up watching my mom knitting some scarves for me and my brother. I’m amazed with all possibilities that knitting and crocheting can bring to my designs, mainly about textures and different forms. I’m still working as well with some jersey or fabrics, I love it but at this moment knitting is fulfilling all my desires as a designer.
Some years ago I was studying at a fashion school focused in large scale production and exclusive clothing was always out of my sight during this period. Many aspects of my life are guided by curiosity; I just wanted to focus in the opposite: unique and exclusive clothing. But it does not mean I’ll be just knitting. For my next collection, there will be a mix of knitting/crocheting designs and also other pieces made of normal fabric and produced in more usual ways."
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