Jan 12, 2011

Big News

I am so happy! Gosh, I wish I could tell you, but I can't! But it's awesome.. I'll tell you all later ~

Jan 3, 2011

threewords about somebody

I love formspring, I've been answering several questions there since last year, I guess... At the beginning I used to be very worried about who was asking me that questions and there weren't too many interesting questions. Nowadays I don't really care who is doing the questions but I really love the deep questions showing up!! Weird, hahaha. Today someone asked me about my new year resolution, I have no idea about who asked me this, but I was very glad to answer it. Maybe some weeks ago I would feel a little bit uncomfortable about it, there were too many things at my head. Surely I hate end of the year. Not just because I feel a little bit depressive, trying to overcome everything I've been through in the current year, but also because there were too many stress to organize the parties.. Anyways, I am totally ready for 2011 - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!!! hahaha (yeah like the Daft Punk's song)

I feel full of energy. I feel courage.. I wanna grab the world with my arms and hug it all! I am excited for this year.

I have a threewords.me (http://threewords.me/tchibi) and I can say I'm in love with this as well. And people have been very nice with me on that. Some results: Pop, color, freedom,  fashion, creative, pretty, cute... THANK YOU ALL!!! You're all so kind! I was worried to read some bad words, but I am glad you guys think all this good stuff about me. I just think you are like a little bit blind, right? hahahaha But mainly I was very excited about the "freedom" word. I try to reach freedom everyday, and I try to spread the idea as I can. I am like Matrix's Morpheus all the time, doing weird questions to people (normally some are so connected with that blue and red pill thing), trying to 'free people's minds'. But in the end I know I can't do it by myself, people really need to find their own freedom, but maybe, just maybe, I could be able to give some new thoughts and questionings :)

I hope you guys are so excited with this year as I am...SOOO?
Let's kick out the jams, motherfucker!!!!!!

PS 1:I am working in new dresses. As I can't say too much about it now, I thought it would be fun to write about random thoughts in my head.
PS 2: PISCES POWER!!!! INDIE POWER!! hahahaa I am saying it to myself.