Dec 28, 2011
Dec 7, 2011
Palestra da Tchibi (pra quem for de SP)
))))) This post is in portuguese because it's about an event and speech I'm gonna host here in São Paulo ((((((
Oi gente!
Estou escrevendo este post para convidar vocês para minha palestra na semana que vem.
Essa será a minha segunda palestra em ETEC, e na qual me formei.. não é lindo?
Quem tiver interesse de conhecer um pouco mais os meus pontos de vista, a trajetória da minha marca, o indie power, as piadas, o mercado de trabalho e uma surpresinha no final... Apareça!
Será no anfiteatro da escola. Tragam seus amigos, filhos, amantes.. quem tiver interesse! Será divertido!
Palestra da Tchibi
Data: 15/12
Horário: 19h
Entrada: Gratuita
Endereço: Anfiteatro da ETEC Carlos de Campos -- último andar. Rua Monsenhor de Andrade, 798 (esquina com a Rua Oriente), Brás - SP. Mapa do google
Evento no facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/176222999139970/
Pra quem quer saber um pouquinho mais sobre mim...
A estilista
Marie é uma estilista paulista de 22 anos que está a frente de sua marca já há dois anos. Começou sua trajetória estudando vestuário no SENAI, participando do Mercado do Mundo Mix e foi uma das vencedoras do concurso “L’oreal Criando Moda”. Por seu desfile no concurso foi convidada por Eliana Tranchesi a participar da equipe de estilo da marca Daslu, uma das mais populares de nosso país. Logo depois foi selecionada para participar do Fashion Rio, dentro do evento de novos estilistas “Rio Moda Hype”, onde apresentou uma coleção de inverno e deu o pontapé inicial para sua marca Tchibi. Começou a trabalhar com tricô e crochê desenvolvendo peças exclusivas e sob medida, mas nunca deixando de lado seu trabalho com tecidos e acessórios. Teve seus trabalhos expostos em exposição nos Estados Unidos(The San Luis Valley Folk Arts and Fiber Festival) e também publicados já há três anos consecutivos no livro “2011 International Freeform
Guild Show”, sendo a única representante latina. Morou um tempo na Alemanha, onde desenvolveu um trabalho de tricô manual e organizou um editorial no centro
comercial de Frankfurt. Ganhou uma trilha sonora exclusiva composta por Yida Huang para seu desfile no Japan Experience, faixa que está dentro do último album do cantor.
Mais recentemente desenvolveu uma coleção para ser desfilada no Dragão Fashion Brasil e uma mini-coleção para seu apoiador de fios e lãs, a PuraFibra e também se envolve no meio da música novamente desenvolvendo algumas peças para um músico europeu. Agora sua marca passa por um período focado no varejo e marketing.
Oi gente!
Estou escrevendo este post para convidar vocês para minha palestra na semana que vem.
Essa será a minha segunda palestra em ETEC, e na qual me formei.. não é lindo?
Quem tiver interesse de conhecer um pouco mais os meus pontos de vista, a trajetória da minha marca, o indie power, as piadas, o mercado de trabalho e uma surpresinha no final... Apareça!
Será no anfiteatro da escola. Tragam seus amigos, filhos, amantes.. quem tiver interesse! Será divertido!
Palestra da Tchibi
Data: 15/12
Horário: 19h
Entrada: Gratuita
Endereço: Anfiteatro da ETEC Carlos de Campos -- último andar. Rua Monsenhor de Andrade, 798 (esquina com a Rua Oriente), Brás - SP. Mapa do google
Evento no facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/176222999139970/
Pra quem quer saber um pouquinho mais sobre mim...
A estilista
Marie é uma estilista paulista de 22 anos que está a frente de sua marca já há dois anos. Começou sua trajetória estudando vestuário no SENAI, participando do Mercado do Mundo Mix e foi uma das vencedoras do concurso “L’oreal Criando Moda”. Por seu desfile no concurso foi convidada por Eliana Tranchesi a participar da equipe de estilo da marca Daslu, uma das mais populares de nosso país. Logo depois foi selecionada para participar do Fashion Rio, dentro do evento de novos estilistas “Rio Moda Hype”, onde apresentou uma coleção de inverno e deu o pontapé inicial para sua marca Tchibi. Começou a trabalhar com tricô e crochê desenvolvendo peças exclusivas e sob medida, mas nunca deixando de lado seu trabalho com tecidos e acessórios. Teve seus trabalhos expostos em exposição nos Estados Unidos(The San Luis Valley Folk Arts and Fiber Festival) e também publicados já há três anos consecutivos no livro “2011 International Freeform
Guild Show”, sendo a única representante latina. Morou um tempo na Alemanha, onde desenvolveu um trabalho de tricô manual e organizou um editorial no centro
comercial de Frankfurt. Ganhou uma trilha sonora exclusiva composta por Yida Huang para seu desfile no Japan Experience, faixa que está dentro do último album do cantor.
Mais recentemente desenvolveu uma coleção para ser desfilada no Dragão Fashion Brasil e uma mini-coleção para seu apoiador de fios e lãs, a PuraFibra e também se envolve no meio da música novamente desenvolvendo algumas peças para um músico europeu. Agora sua marca passa por um período focado no varejo e marketing.
Dec 5, 2011
These are my pupils since I'm organizing a project which makes possible some of their dreams come true. They are 4 girls from ETEC Carlos de Campos, it's the place where I studied my whole high school period. Coming back to that building and walls, we planned a series of events to celebrate school's centenary. One of them is to put some of these girls' designs in the runway very close to professional designers and brands, as mine and some others. They are all around 15 ~ 16 and giving this opportunity to them it's very essential to show that their dream of fashion can be pretty realistic.
Nov 28, 2011
Nov 16, 2011
tchibi in a chinese website
That's pretty cool, this chinese website have some of your designs: http://tinyurl.com/7n7gdbj ~http://tinyurl.com/bm4kvjl
Nov 14, 2011
black and grey
This lovely outfit was a mix of a dress from my collection at Dragão Fashion and some new scarves presented at a showcase for PuraFibra (Mega artesanal 2011). A little bit more classic from what I've showed at Dragão Fashion, but still young and restless. We love vintage but we also love big cities and modernity spirit.. so, let's rock in the middle of this mix of references!
Oct 26, 2011
Last photoshoot
Photos by André Di Lucca, Fernando T. Silva and Thiago Nagasima.
The models are Debora Fonseca and Nathy Abreu.
Make-up by Bruna Corgan.

What can I say about it? It was one of those Saturdays I can meet some people (of course, meeting friends!) and we can do a nice creative collaboration between those talented minds.
I won't say "this is the first time I'm working with black and white" because in fact, It wasn't. I've been doing some experimentation with these 2 colors since last year, but it was the first time we did a photoshoot for this kind of classic work. I may say those designs are very classic comparing to Tchibi's last concepts, I mean, their shapes are very clean and somehow reminds me old Hollywood actresses I love so much like Mariyln Monroe, Greta Garbo and Clara Bow. It comes to my mind "what kind of handmade clothing they would wear nowadays?" So then, I came with these textures, shapes and colors. It's interesting to find this more classic vibrations on me and I'm happy about giving you guys this little taste of femininity.
The models are Debora Fonseca and Nathy Abreu.
Make-up by Bruna Corgan.

What can I say about it? It was one of those Saturdays I can meet some people (of course, meeting friends!) and we can do a nice creative collaboration between those talented minds.
I won't say "this is the first time I'm working with black and white" because in fact, It wasn't. I've been doing some experimentation with these 2 colors since last year, but it was the first time we did a photoshoot for this kind of classic work. I may say those designs are very classic comparing to Tchibi's last concepts, I mean, their shapes are very clean and somehow reminds me old Hollywood actresses I love so much like Mariyln Monroe, Greta Garbo and Clara Bow. It comes to my mind "what kind of handmade clothing they would wear nowadays?" So then, I came with these textures, shapes and colors. It's interesting to find this more classic vibrations on me and I'm happy about giving you guys this little taste of femininity.
Oct 21, 2011
Nova fase do blog
Eu sempre quis voltar a ter um blog que mostrasse um pouco mais do que se passa dentro da minha mente. Que realmente fosse um canal aberto entre o que eu penso e o que as pessoas poderiam ter acesso. Muitos planos, trabalhos e adiamentos fizeram com que eu demorasse um pouco mais, mas agora, sinto que devo prosseguir e concretizar o que antes era apenas um desejo.
Daqui em diante vou postar com uma frequência maior (vou tentar mesclar posts em português e inglês, ou fazer versões em ambos idiomas, confesso que isso basicamente vai depender do meu humor e disponibilidade)e expor um pouquinho mais a minha visão de mundo. Os posts não serão apenas relacionados com o meu trabalho na minha marca indie Tchibi -- mas sim conectados com meu cotidiano.
Espero que vocês curtam.
Daqui em diante vou postar com uma frequência maior (vou tentar mesclar posts em português e inglês, ou fazer versões em ambos idiomas, confesso que isso basicamente vai depender do meu humor e disponibilidade)e expor um pouquinho mais a minha visão de mundo. Os posts não serão apenas relacionados com o meu trabalho na minha marca indie Tchibi -- mas sim conectados com meu cotidiano.
Espero que vocês curtam.
Oct 9, 2011
Interview GWS-- Entrevista no GWS
Entrevista lá no GWS http://gwsmag.com/relacao-seri a-com-o-trico/ :)
interview in english: http://tinyurl.com/3kxyg4r
“Nós temos como comprometimento vestir indivíduos que busquem peças originais, confortáveis, únicas e atraentes.” Com essa preocupação, a Tchibi vem firmando seu nome na moda. A trajetória é intimista.
interview in english: http://tinyurl.com/3kxyg4r
“Nós temos como comprometimento vestir indivíduos que busquem peças originais, confortáveis, únicas e atraentes.” Com essa preocupação, a Tchibi vem firmando seu nome na moda. A trajetória é intimista.
Sep 28, 2011

October -- LolaMag :D one of the new designs was featured :) To see the page click here (with more details) : http://imageshack.us/f/703
Sep 2, 2011
Interview - Stylishlyme
Some days ago I gave an very interesting interview to the blog Stylishyme. There, you can learn a little bit more about my creative process and my was as designer.
"Why did you choose knitting as your main form of expression?
It was totally by chance, I grew up watching my mom knitting some scarves for me and my brother. I’m amazed with all possibilities that knitting and crocheting can bring to my designs, mainly about textures and different forms. I’m still working as well with some jersey or fabrics, I love it but at this moment knitting is fulfilling all my desires as a designer.
Some years ago I was studying at a fashion school focused in large scale production and exclusive clothing was always out of my sight during this period. Many aspects of my life are guided by curiosity; I just wanted to focus in the opposite: unique and exclusive clothing. But it does not mean I’ll be just knitting. For my next collection, there will be a mix of knitting/crocheting designs and also other pieces made of normal fabric and produced in more usual ways."
To read more..
http://stylishlyme.com/cool-people-interviews/interview-with-marie-castro-knitwear-designer/Aug 31, 2011
modern bride/rocker photoshoot
These days I've been helping doing styling to some photoshoots. Here are the results:
Modern bride
clothing by Tchibi
model: Gabriela Lopes
Make up/hair: Gabriela Lopes
photographers: Orelha and Pee Fernandes


Styling by Tchibi
Make up/hair: Gabriela Lopes
model: Gabriela Lopes
photographers: Thiago Nagasima and Fernando T. Silva

Modern bride
clothing by Tchibi
model: Gabriela Lopes
Make up/hair: Gabriela Lopes
photographers: Orelha and Pee Fernandes
Styling by Tchibi
Make up/hair: Gabriela Lopes
model: Gabriela Lopes
photographers: Thiago Nagasima and Fernando T. Silva
Aug 22, 2011
music: thanks
Hello guys!! here's my video to thank a very special girl: Niiru :)
She sent me a very cute package directly from Japan and I'm sharing with you guys what I've found there.
As I'm talking on the video, I'm gonna do an assortment in the end of September. So if you wanna win Yida Huang's last EP, please, send me an email (marie.castro@gmail.com) with your name and complete address. I hope you'll be the luck one to have such nice music at home.
Well, that's it. I could really write a lot about it, I'm also in a music project in the last weeks but I still can't say too much about it. But I'll be able to explain everything very soon! So, as always, stay tuned ~
thanks again to Yida and his fans, you guys are the bomb!! thank you very much!!
PS: Sorry, I was really shy on the video! hahaha I did not prepare a text or anything, just turned on the camera and I'm not really used to do that.. :)
Aug 8, 2011
another photoshoot....
pic by Vinicius Suzano
I'm developing new ideas and concepts to the brand so last weeks were pretty chaotic. Creative process is always something really funny because it never work as you wish, it kinda goes with the flow. So the last events on my life are very important in a way I'm adding new information and ideas to these pieces. Also I'm thinking in improving my biz girl side, which means I'm trying to develop some new products you guys will find with more facility to buy and so on... So my work on the brand these days are all around it: plans to the new creative ideas and new plans of biz. But all I can say it's that good stuff are coming soon!!! Stay tuned.
And now, I would like to post a video of an artist that it's really inspiring me in my new creations. I hope you guys enjoy it.
See ya later,
And now, I would like to post a video of an artist that it's really inspiring me in my new creations. I hope you guys enjoy it.
See ya later,
Jul 19, 2011
Interview: Manequim
yay, yesterday i had a very sweet talk with Manequim magazine. They called me during my work and I talked a little bit about the brand and the future projects.
You can check it in portuguese here: http://manequim.abril.com.br/blogs/noticias-da-redacao/2011/07/18/designer-da-tchibi-fala-sobre-como-sua-paixao-por-artes-manuais-evoluiu-ate-a-criacao-de-uma-marca-independente
thank you, Manequim Magazine!!!
You can check it in portuguese here: http://manequim.abril.com.br/blogs/noticias-da-redacao/2011/07/18/designer-da-tchibi-fala-sobre-como-sua-paixao-por-artes-manuais-evoluiu-ate-a-criacao-de-uma-marca-independente
thank you, Manequim Magazine!!!
Jul 8, 2011
Elle Magazine!
just saw one of the dresses at Elle Brazil magazine! :) I'll post a picture soon(i needddd a sscaaaannn offff thiisss paagggeeee!). Maybe, for huge brands it is nothing, but I am really proud of that since I am going totally indie, working in a small room at Guarulhos.. but always trying to design something relevant!
Jul 4, 2011
mega artesanal
thank you all guys who helped in my last designs. Today I am organizing my work station and then I'll be starting some new projects.There are some news coming soon, stay tuned :)
I'm preparing a big text to post here about my last impressions of my work and market, but now I'm gonna ask you guys to take a look at tchibi's facebook page !
here, you guys can check some pics at the mega artesanal:

I'm preparing a big text to post here about my last impressions of my work and market, but now I'm gonna ask you guys to take a look at tchibi's facebook page !
here, you guys can check some pics at the mega artesanal:

Jun 11, 2011
May 23, 2011
May 18, 2011
new pics!!!
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.154184567982507.36762.108752092525755 - You guys can check at this link the news pics taken at the last photoshoot from ClickSP :)
May 15, 2011
Another collective photoshoot..
clothing and pics by me :)
makeup/hair: Bruna Science/Daniel Roque
models:Cami Estevam and Erika Ost

makeup/hair: Bruna Science/Daniel Roque
models:Cami Estevam and Erika Ost

Apr 22, 2011
8º Ensaio Coletivo ClickSP
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/?set=a.148619111872386.32754.108752092525755 - new pics from the latest photoshoot!
Apr 20, 2011
DFB 2011
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tchibi/108752092525755 - here you can find all information about my last fashion show at 'Dragão Fashion Brasil'.Clipping, pictures, videos, news and so on!
I hope you guys enjoy it!

I hope you guys enjoy it!
Apr 4, 2011
STIG MAG - interview (Philippines)
Hi folks!
I gave an interview to a Philippine magazine.. So you guys can check it now:
I would like to thank RC Arceo for the interview, it was great and I loved to be part of it !!
(if you prefer reading it at their website, just go to http://www.stigmed1a.com/stigmag/stig-mag-4-1-11 page 70!)
see ya!
I gave an interview to a Philippine magazine.. So you guys can check it now:
I would like to thank RC Arceo for the interview, it was great and I loved to be part of it !!
(if you prefer reading it at their website, just go to http://www.stigmed1a.com/stigmag/stig-mag-4-1-11 page 70!)
see ya!
Apr 1, 2011
love love love
I'm with a new camera, and it's like a new toy to a child. :) I'm having a lot of fun taking these kind of pics and I hope I'll have more free time to dedicate myself into it.
Okay, I was not planning to not have time to do a lot of things, to rush a lot of things, but that's the way it happens now. It's a big fashion show, Tchibi is a new brand.. In other words: cast berserk card and let's go! There's so many things to do, to decide, to finish and so on.. But we are gonna survive, I'm sure, and it will be a great show.. and it will be a great opportunity to some people discover some interesting designs. So keep in touch and I'm sorry if I'm not posting as much as I planned. But I'll try to come back to say what's going on ;)
Mar 19, 2011
Dragão Fashion Brasil INFO!
official info about my fashion show http://www.dragaofashion.com.br/ . when, where, press info, press agents contacts and so on..
Feb 23, 2011
Feb 20, 2011
updates, updates.. and expectations.
I am really trying to find time. That's something really hard for me at this moment... I'm rushing my new collection and it will be crazy like this till April. But all efforts will be granted, I'm sure :D
Many of you probably noticed, but we changed tchibiwear.com layout, just because we're trying to find something more clean and maybe (just maybe, hahaha) try to give you little tips about our next collection.
Well you probably know if someone is working in a new project, it's all about expectations. Not just yours, but mainly on the people involved. People who follow you, sponsors, clients, other artists, other professionals involved, and even yourself is/are expecting something. But the most important is not put those expectations in foreground. It should be the last one. Your main worry just need to do the best you can for your project. Put EFFORTS on it... more than expectations. Put your HEART on it. Not expectations.
Many of you probably noticed, but we changed tchibiwear.com layout, just because we're trying to find something more clean and maybe (just maybe, hahaha) try to give you little tips about our next collection.
Well you probably know if someone is working in a new project, it's all about expectations. Not just yours, but mainly on the people involved. People who follow you, sponsors, clients, other artists, other professionals involved, and even yourself is/are expecting something. But the most important is not put those expectations in foreground. It should be the last one. Your main worry just need to do the best you can for your project. Put EFFORTS on it... more than expectations. Put your HEART on it. Not expectations.
Feb 3, 2011
Ustrendy interview
http://www.ustrendy.com/featured/?featured_id=131 (the original link)
Tchibi, by designer Mariana Castro Carvalho, is an amazing knitwear collection! Shop sweaters, dresses, tops, and accessories that are brightly colored and uniquely accented!
What is your inspiration for this collection?
I was always fascinated by urban and modern lifestyle but very interested in handmade artworks and old techniques as knitting and crochet. In this collection, I was inspired by these contrasts that always were inside my mind and I tried to re-create and mix them in a creative way.
I’ve being studying for several years, doing a lot of courses related to fashion activities and when I was 18 I felt I was ready to enter in fashion market. I was one of the winners of L’oreal Criando Moda Contest and I was invited to work in the creative department of a luxury and important brand in Brazil. After that, I did my second fashion show at Rio Moda Hype (a project to new designers inside Rio Fashion Week) and started to dedicate myself just to my brand. I’ve been developing several projects and preparing my third fashion show at November 14th.
What drove you to choose fashion design and specifically starting your own design?
I was always interested in handmade crafts and I remember to dress my collection of Barbies with my own designs when I was a little child. So it’s kind difficult to say when exactly I decided to become a fashion designer, but I guess it was always in my blood. My mom was always knitting or sewing something and I was around her helping and learning. But for being honest I did not plan to be a fashion designer till I was 14 or 15. Before that I thought maybe I would be a musician, journalist or civil engineer. Anyway, when I entered in high school I started to see fashion as a way to express my ideas and suddenly it turned to a need in my life.
What has prepared you to enter the world as a fashion designer?
Actually I don’t believe people are ready when they need to give their first steps. So my courage and will to show my designs were the main things that prepared me to enter in fashion world.
Describe your style:
Happiness, sadness, optimism, vigor, revolt... It's all about feelings, urban lifestyle, contrasts and music. It's the four most significant things in my life.
Your 3 wardrobe staples:
Sneakers, black leggings and mini dress.
Favorite fashion decade:
You'd never be caught dead wearing:
Never say never!
One thing you couldn't live without:
Favorite Celebrity Fashion Icon:
What fad would you bring back?
Handmade kimonos.
Perfect night on the town outfit:
Something that makes you feel strong, unique, sexy, intelligent and modern.
What is some advice that you would give to aspiring independent designers?
My motto "Indie power!!" Fierce, fellas!
What is your favorite part about being a Fashion Designer?
I love to be able to express my ideas in designs and see people happyabout wearing them.
Jan 21, 2011
Facebook Page
Hi guys!
Please add tchibi in my new facebook page!!
Please add tchibi in my new facebook page!!
Jan 12, 2011
Big News
I am so happy! Gosh, I wish I could tell you, but I can't! But it's awesome.. I'll tell you all later ~
Jan 3, 2011
threewords about somebody
I love formspring, I've been answering several questions there since last year, I guess... At the beginning I used to be very worried about who was asking me that questions and there weren't too many interesting questions. Nowadays I don't really care who is doing the questions but I really love the deep questions showing up!! Weird, hahaha. Today someone asked me about my new year resolution, I have no idea about who asked me this, but I was very glad to answer it. Maybe some weeks ago I would feel a little bit uncomfortable about it, there were too many things at my head. Surely I hate end of the year. Not just because I feel a little bit depressive, trying to overcome everything I've been through in the current year, but also because there were too many stress to organize the parties.. Anyways, I am totally ready for 2011 - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!!! hahaha (yeah like the Daft Punk's song)
I feel full of energy. I feel courage.. I wanna grab the world with my arms and hug it all! I am excited for this year.
I have a threewords.me (http://threewords.me/tchibi) and I can say I'm in love with this as well. And people have been very nice with me on that. Some results: Pop, color, freedom, fashion, creative, pretty, cute... THANK YOU ALL!!! You're all so kind! I was worried to read some bad words, but I am glad you guys think all this good stuff about me. I just think you are like a little bit blind, right? hahahaha But mainly I was very excited about the "freedom" word. I try to reach freedom everyday, and I try to spread the idea as I can. I am like Matrix's Morpheus all the time, doing weird questions to people (normally some are so connected with that blue and red pill thing), trying to 'free people's minds'. But in the end I know I can't do it by myself, people really need to find their own freedom, but maybe, just maybe, I could be able to give some new thoughts and questionings :)
I hope you guys are so excited with this year as I am...SOOO?
Let's kick out the jams, motherfucker!!!!!!
PS 1:I am working in new dresses. As I can't say too much about it now, I thought it would be fun to write about random thoughts in my head.
PS 2: PISCES POWER!!!! INDIE POWER!! hahahaa I am saying it to myself.
I feel full of energy. I feel courage.. I wanna grab the world with my arms and hug it all! I am excited for this year.
I have a threewords.me (http://threewords.me/tchibi) and I can say I'm in love with this as well. And people have been very nice with me on that. Some results: Pop, color, freedom, fashion, creative, pretty, cute... THANK YOU ALL!!! You're all so kind! I was worried to read some bad words, but I am glad you guys think all this good stuff about me. I just think you are like a little bit blind, right? hahahaha But mainly I was very excited about the "freedom" word. I try to reach freedom everyday, and I try to spread the idea as I can. I am like Matrix's Morpheus all the time, doing weird questions to people (normally some are so connected with that blue and red pill thing), trying to 'free people's minds'. But in the end I know I can't do it by myself, people really need to find their own freedom, but maybe, just maybe, I could be able to give some new thoughts and questionings :)
I hope you guys are so excited with this year as I am...SOOO?
Let's kick out the jams, motherfucker!!!!!!
PS 1:I am working in new dresses. As I can't say too much about it now, I thought it would be fun to write about random thoughts in my head.
PS 2: PISCES POWER!!!! INDIE POWER!! hahahaa I am saying it to myself.
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