I am so sorry that I did not find a time to come here this week. Being honest, I was just trying to rest a little bit. And what comprehends to rest? It means I've been working at my projects in secret, hahahaha.
I feel like I've done this year with my brand. Next year I'll be involved in many things, so I'm trying to organize and work on these next projects.
Basically, I am in front of a great international project for next year. I can't say too much for now... But it's gonna help indie fashion. Slowly (and I think it's very possible) we are building a spot to indie fellas.
I have a big opportunity to present a collection (in a fashion show) next year here in Europe, and basically, I am trying to find sponsors to invest in the idea. I can't promise anything, but I'll be working hard on it. And also I have my fabrics new projects (for the masses) and this is sure to be released in the first months of 2011. So many things to think about. But I am happy.
For these last weeks in Europe...
Well, since I did not get a time to organize my travel pictures, I can't say too much now about it. I'll do it soon. I just can say last week I was in Paris and this weekend I'll be in Brussels.
And I found a time to write as well. Everybody knows I love writing, and I've been trying to write stories here in Germany. Nothing better than writing. I wrote many stories when I was young, with very good ideas but I used to not have (in my opinion) a good style of writing. As my fashion work, I did not want to copy a style and develop a style from someone else. So it takes time to develop my own style. But now I think that finally I am happy with I've been working on. Like design, writing is a constant exercise, development.. I really want to finish this things I am writing right now.
So, see ya!!!
By the way,here is very cold! Snow is now an evidence!
Nov 26, 2010
Nov 16, 2010
some words..
I was so hyper that I couldn't write something more deeper about the show and so on. So now I'm here able to do that, I hope you enjoy (and I hope you don't think I am a crazy person who just writes a lot! lol).
Last week was crazy, because I was trying to relax but at same time I couldn't. The designs were all finished but many small things needed to be solved. I was helping as I could (since I am in germany and the fashion show was in Brazil)... Sending e-mails, deciding styling, and so on. I slept very bad and I was not really eating well. I was too naive about thinking I would rest. I am able to rest just now that the show is gone.
At Saturday I visited a city called Nuremberg. If you know a little bit of world history, you probably know what it's about. But if not.. This place was chosen (in the second war) to held a lot of Nazis conventions. It was the site of Nazi Party. And I don't know of you guys, but I was always interested in world history. In Europe, the second war is the event that I really like to search about, so for me it was an important thing. Not just because I was stepping in the same places as the Nazis (and they are sooo creppy, wrong and crazy)... But because they were judged in the same city and now it is a symbol of human rights in Germany. Cool, huh? Well, now this place is very open-minded.. It's possible to find many stylish young people and it's kinda energetic. I LOVE HUMAN RIGHTS, I LOVE BIG CITY FEELING... So I really enjoyed Nuremberg. Creepy past and bright future. Keep on, guys.
So at Monday it was the fashion show in Brazil.. And I just loved the results. It was amazing and you can check all the pics at projects area. Now I am really resting,I am so happy!!! But tomorrow I'll come back to work in some new designs. I am having faith I'll be able to deliver for you another project from Europe, so let's keep the fingers crossed.
Once the show was finished, I felt like I had a lot of things to say. Mostly, many things I told some students at my fashion speech some months ago... It's kinda a happiness to be indie, I can't explain. I just love to have my friends around and work.
My last two shows were something we can call "mainstream". So there was a lot of people involved on it. People that I wish weren't involved because they couldn't understand my lifestyle, ideas, designs and so on.. And most important: some of these people just did not respect my work as it should be respected. I felt kinda limited in the styling and creation of fashion image, kinda dissapointed... It's weird when you really work hard, in difficult condictions and many people feel they have some control of your art. Actually they pretend to know more about it than yourself, but they actually don't know anything.I try to avoid this people. And now I have to confess: it's pretty easy to be a 'fashion designer'. You just need to go to the right parties, to became friend of the right people. But to be a REAL fashion designer, it's very difficult (to be known by your work and designs and not money or friends).And I always wanted to be known by my work. ALWAYS. So due all the market beliefs and 'rules', I prefered to put myself away of mainstream. This year I reborn as an indie fashion designer, but very proud of my work and designs. Once you choose to be indie you have to face a lot of money or investment issues, but you have the most important thing: YOU ARE FREE. Your designs are free, you have total control of your work and you can put passion on it. And being honest, I can't do anything without passion.And freedom.
SO I am really happy with this 3rd fashion show. We work hard on it (me and my friends)... And we worked really in a very "true" way. I could really put my lifestyle on it, my image of fashion and so on. Of course, there's always something we can do better and improve, but let's do it in the next projects. I am always changing and it was interesting to see my fashion concept changing as well. It's rock, baby! I hope you enjoyed it. There's youth power, urbanity, music, rebellion, strength... Everything I really enjoy for now. I am so happy. And confident we can build and conquer our own scene. It's indie power!!!
I'll write more about it, I love to tell you how the things are working from this fashion side... And how we can do it in a different way! So if you like it, share the pics, the song and so on with your friends, let's rock on, people!
Last week was crazy, because I was trying to relax but at same time I couldn't. The designs were all finished but many small things needed to be solved. I was helping as I could (since I am in germany and the fashion show was in Brazil)... Sending e-mails, deciding styling, and so on. I slept very bad and I was not really eating well. I was too naive about thinking I would rest. I am able to rest just now that the show is gone.
At Saturday I visited a city called Nuremberg. If you know a little bit of world history, you probably know what it's about. But if not.. This place was chosen (in the second war) to held a lot of Nazis conventions. It was the site of Nazi Party. And I don't know of you guys, but I was always interested in world history. In Europe, the second war is the event that I really like to search about, so for me it was an important thing. Not just because I was stepping in the same places as the Nazis (and they are sooo creppy, wrong and crazy)... But because they were judged in the same city and now it is a symbol of human rights in Germany. Cool, huh? Well, now this place is very open-minded.. It's possible to find many stylish young people and it's kinda energetic. I LOVE HUMAN RIGHTS, I LOVE BIG CITY FEELING... So I really enjoyed Nuremberg. Creepy past and bright future. Keep on, guys.
So at Monday it was the fashion show in Brazil.. And I just loved the results. It was amazing and you can check all the pics at projects area. Now I am really resting,I am so happy!!! But tomorrow I'll come back to work in some new designs. I am having faith I'll be able to deliver for you another project from Europe, so let's keep the fingers crossed.
Once the show was finished, I felt like I had a lot of things to say. Mostly, many things I told some students at my fashion speech some months ago... It's kinda a happiness to be indie, I can't explain. I just love to have my friends around and work.
My last two shows were something we can call "mainstream". So there was a lot of people involved on it. People that I wish weren't involved because they couldn't understand my lifestyle, ideas, designs and so on.. And most important: some of these people just did not respect my work as it should be respected. I felt kinda limited in the styling and creation of fashion image, kinda dissapointed... It's weird when you really work hard, in difficult condictions and many people feel they have some control of your art. Actually they pretend to know more about it than yourself, but they actually don't know anything.I try to avoid this people. And now I have to confess: it's pretty easy to be a 'fashion designer'. You just need to go to the right parties, to became friend of the right people. But to be a REAL fashion designer, it's very difficult (to be known by your work and designs and not money or friends).And I always wanted to be known by my work. ALWAYS. So due all the market beliefs and 'rules', I prefered to put myself away of mainstream. This year I reborn as an indie fashion designer, but very proud of my work and designs. Once you choose to be indie you have to face a lot of money or investment issues, but you have the most important thing: YOU ARE FREE. Your designs are free, you have total control of your work and you can put passion on it. And being honest, I can't do anything without passion.And freedom.
SO I am really happy with this 3rd fashion show. We work hard on it (me and my friends)... And we worked really in a very "true" way. I could really put my lifestyle on it, my image of fashion and so on. Of course, there's always something we can do better and improve, but let's do it in the next projects. I am always changing and it was interesting to see my fashion concept changing as well. It's rock, baby! I hope you enjoyed it. There's youth power, urbanity, music, rebellion, strength... Everything I really enjoy for now. I am so happy. And confident we can build and conquer our own scene. It's indie power!!!
I'll write more about it, I love to tell you how the things are working from this fashion side... And how we can do it in a different way! So if you like it, share the pics, the song and so on with your friends, let's rock on, people!
Thank you all!!!!! I did a quick video with some info and I hope you enjoy. I'm still organizing pics and material, but I think it's fair to show some to you guys (and also you can listen Yida's new song!)
PS: I don't know if you all know.. But I am in Germany right now, not in Brazil. So I'm trying to do my best to get all info about yesterday's show to you guys :D
PS: I don't know if you all know.. But I am in Germany right now, not in Brazil. So I'm trying to do my best to get all info about yesterday's show to you guys :D
Nov 11, 2010
next steps
Hello, guys.
Well, for those who doesn’t know – I am living something I can call vacations at this week. It’s not really a relax but I am kinda resting but organizing the fashion show… I am also knitting, but taking it easy at same time.
Well, for those who doesn’t know – I am living something I can call vacations at this week. It’s not really a relax but I am kinda resting but organizing the fashion show… I am also knitting, but taking it easy at same time.
In my vacations I really like to think about my next projects. And that’s what I did. I had long chats with my mom and friends, trying to come up with new ideas for next year.
So my announcement is: tchibi will have a project focusing streetwear, something more accessible and for more people (yeah something similar to the clothing I like to wear in my daily life). But we will still run the handmade projects. It’s like it will be divided in lines: one more artistic and conceptual, the other one more “real life”. It was something I was thinking to do even this year but due some other plans (like living in another country for a while) I could not to put it in practice. Anyway it was good since we can arrange and plan everything better. Tomorrow I’ll get my notebook , pencil, headphones and I’ll start to draw the first ideas. Good thing it’s that finally I’ll give the attention to menswear as well. Boys are always asking “when you are gonna design for boys?” so I think this next project is gonna be the perfect time for that. YAY! I hope you receive it as good news. It really is. Tchibi will reach even more people, maybe new places (I loved to know that USA likes the designs!). Maybe someday I’ll design for aliens, who knows.
PS: While I wrote the title for this post, I couldn't help myself and THIS SONG came to my mind. I am crazy!
Nov 10, 2010
I am one of those modern and frenetic lifestyle people who have their nostalgic times. When my friend tagged me in an article about New Kids on the Block and BSB, I really stopped to think that I am kinda old. But it's a funny way to think you're old, don't you think? I just have fun because once something it's on the top, one day it will be funny. Believe me!
Somehow... this was amazing!! hahaha The funny fact is that I still like those things..
Ok, now let's talk about something serious and about the big event of this weekend: the fashion show!
I would like to talk about make up and hair. but It's kinda complicated to talk about it without giving some clues. But I can say it is in good hands (thanks Niel and Bruna!!). They are working on very interesting references, something around rock style, japanese traditional make up and 20's. The eyes will be on spotlight !!!
I would like to talk about make up and hair. but It's kinda complicated to talk about it without giving some clues. But I can say it is in good hands (thanks Niel and Bruna!!). They are working on very interesting references, something around rock style, japanese traditional make up and 20's. The eyes will be on spotlight !!!
Nov 8, 2010
Time and music
Time is a constant suffering to the creative people. Sometimes you feel like you don't have enough time to complete some project or you just feel there's too much time left to you be able to promote your next idea. I am never happy about the time and I don't think I will in next months. I wish I could be some magic being who has the power to stop the time, but unfortunately I don't. But I have an empty room, my work and loud music. That's enough to forget time. That's why once I am working, I am listening to music.
Talking about music, I could tell you about all my favorite genres and so on. But let's be a little more specific about my next fashion show. Every detail is important (make up and hair, models and other stuff I'll write about in next posts), but something I really have fun is deciding fashion's show soundtrack.
At the first show I was talking a lot with a brazilian composer called Lupa Mabuze (sharing my music references and lifestyle opinions with him) and he came with an very exciting beat. It made a good connection with that collection. At second show I was listening world music and Yida Huang came to my ears (one of his songs was in the show).
At this year I am very glad to say Yida composed a song just for the show! Yay! That's amazing. Firstly because it was something I was not expecting at all. Secondly, everyone knows I am somehow (spiritually) asian, hahaha. I was working with an asian theme (yokais) and it was amazing to have more asian references at this project. Specially in music. Yida, thank you very much for the song, I really loved it!! It totally got the vibe I was thinking to this show.
Ok , fellas, if you have no idea about what I am writing, just listen to his songs:
Cool, huh? Nice songs and heart of gold. If you wanna check more info, visit his page. Yay!!
Now let's run my last project here in Europe. Today I was kinda relaxing, writing and solving stock issues.. Just dealing with easy tasks. But tomorrow I'll start new designs. Wish me luck!
I promise I'll come back to talk about make up and other things on the fashion show. It's this week, people! I am excited. And you guys?
Talking about music, I could tell you about all my favorite genres and so on. But let's be a little more specific about my next fashion show. Every detail is important (make up and hair, models and other stuff I'll write about in next posts), but something I really have fun is deciding fashion's show soundtrack.
At the first show I was talking a lot with a brazilian composer called Lupa Mabuze (sharing my music references and lifestyle opinions with him) and he came with an very exciting beat. It made a good connection with that collection. At second show I was listening world music and Yida Huang came to my ears (one of his songs was in the show).
At this year I am very glad to say Yida composed a song just for the show! Yay! That's amazing. Firstly because it was something I was not expecting at all. Secondly, everyone knows I am somehow (spiritually) asian, hahaha. I was working with an asian theme (yokais) and it was amazing to have more asian references at this project. Specially in music. Yida, thank you very much for the song, I really loved it!! It totally got the vibe I was thinking to this show.
Ok , fellas, if you have no idea about what I am writing, just listen to his songs:
Cool, huh? Nice songs and heart of gold. If you wanna check more info, visit his page. Yay!!
Now let's run my last project here in Europe. Today I was kinda relaxing, writing and solving stock issues.. Just dealing with easy tasks. But tomorrow I'll start new designs. Wish me luck!
I promise I'll come back to talk about make up and other things on the fashion show. It's this week, people! I am excited. And you guys?
Nov 1, 2010
First Frankfurt am Main photoshoot!
Gosh, it's been a time I don't bring any news to this blog. I don't like to stay away of this "brand diary" but at same time everything was really frenetic that I almost could not breath.
I have to say something folks: it's been hard times for me, but wonderful and exciting times for tchibi! I am almost dying of too much work, projects and things to solve, but I am so satisfied with tchibi's brand. Basically, in past, I would say something like "It were just my efforts". But I am happily to say that now I always find creative and good people around and all this projects we are running it's all their efforts as well. So that's why tchibi is more and more involved in creative projects.. Because the circle of tchibi's collaborators and friends are growing fast. Yeah, guys who are working in brazil, I love you all. And also I miss Clicksp's fellas! I'll be back soon anyway, but I am happily about these guys I've meet here in Frankfurt am Main. We just had a new photoshoot yesterday at city's central area and I can say it was fun and we got some wonderful pictures! Thanks you all and I hope everything goes fine to our next photoshoot here!
Well, I was wondering if I had post here some backstage pictures of the other shoots and I think I didn't. So now you can see this really nice people in action (and rockin in the pics!):
My fashion show is coming soon, 14th november. Good for you guys, kinda bad for me. Since I am rushing my deadlines like a crazy one. But since it's passion and love on this, I am sure I'll be very glad after the fashion show. It's indie power going around all these projects and I have to thank you all to follow it!
My next post will be about music... I'll explain it better tomorrow. Now let's go back to work!
See ya!
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