In the last days I've have been asked so many times in Formspring about fashion tips and always when I have some time I answer it. These questions made me think a lot about some issues.
We live times that people are all insecure about theirselves, where "be yourself" dissapears and give its place to a huge consumption and emptiness. The world in some way conspires to "true" people believe they need to follow a standard that they can't fit, doing all this people to accept routines, jobs, clothes and goods that tells nothing about what they have inside.
It's a fact we all grew up around 80's teen movies saying "be yourself", and even having this kind of thoughts in mind, how many people really live this philosophy after being an adult? Many people still think they need a Marc Jacobs bag, rich boyfriend or a trip to Bahamas to be fabulous. They can't understand the key of being fabulous it's inside, wriggling to be potentiated and released to the world.
I always say a sentence when someone ask me an advice and I still believe so much in the power of this words: "You can be well dressed even wearing clothes you bought at supermarket."
Fashion's style consists more in people than what they are wearing. It's more relevant to understand how someone wears something than which label is written in a tag. To buy a tag it's very simple, everybody can have a credit card in hands, but the way someone dress something it's always unique. And you can apply it for other aspects in life: people need to believe that they can be original because everybody have a particular way of seeing the world.
Maybe I'm looking a little bit outdated writing about this issue again, but I believe this kind of reflection it's the only way to comprehend what's fashion and its real role in our society.