Firstly, I would like to wish a wonderful 2011 to everybody.. All of best!
In general, I liked 2010. Many stuff happened and I'm really proud of all projects tchibi was involved. It was the year that I worked more, but now that I'm relaxing a little bit, I have the feeling I could have done more. It always happens since I'm very strong-willed... But I am satisfied anyways :D
For now I am relaxing but planning the next steps. There will be a lot of news for 2011 and I'll do the bestest artworks for you guys.
take care,
Dec 8, 2010
Well, some people ask tips about my time in Europe. Well, you guys knew I spent some time in Europe running some projects, traveling around and researching for the next challenges. I can say I had fun, yeah, but it's not really easy to move countries and so on. I got positive and bad things about those times, but I really LIVED. That's the most important thing. It helps me to create everything I want, clothes or even to sit down and write a story. I've been doing it a lot. It's kinda a passion... and I think I gave some clues since I really enjoy writing a lot. I hope you guys are not having boring times reading all this I've wrote :D
Ok, I am back to this wonderful (yet problematic, but still great) land I can call HOME. Yeah, I am back to Brazil. And I am very happy with that. Finally I can develop some ideas I've been thinking about and working on in last months, days, hours and seconds. I'm looking for to run a lot of projects to next year as I told you guys and so on. So be patience!
Coming back to the travel tips.. I thought a lot about it.. But I think I don't have anything like "go to that place, buy at this store" and so on.. I just would like to advice to: BE YOURSELF. Doesn't matter where you are, you should be yourself.. Don't change it because the others. That's the best tip of the world.. And of course: be ready to learn. All the time, really! I think it's not just some advices to trips, but for life as well. It's something you really should keep in your minds and hearts. If you have both, you are done!
I am still thinking about what was my favorite place in Europe. I think I really enjoyed Czech Republic.. It's very different place and people are very cheerful!
Ok, I am back to this wonderful (yet problematic, but still great) land I can call HOME. Yeah, I am back to Brazil. And I am very happy with that. Finally I can develop some ideas I've been thinking about and working on in last months, days, hours and seconds. I'm looking for to run a lot of projects to next year as I told you guys and so on. So be patience!
Coming back to the travel tips.. I thought a lot about it.. But I think I don't have anything like "go to that place, buy at this store" and so on.. I just would like to advice to: BE YOURSELF. Doesn't matter where you are, you should be yourself.. Don't change it because the others. That's the best tip of the world.. And of course: be ready to learn. All the time, really! I think it's not just some advices to trips, but for life as well. It's something you really should keep in your minds and hearts. If you have both, you are done!
I am still thinking about what was my favorite place in Europe. I think I really enjoyed Czech Republic.. It's very different place and people are very cheerful!
Dec 2, 2010
There's nothing...
This post was written in portuguese. Please use your translator to read it!! The next post will be in english again :)
PS: Qualquer semelhança com a ficção ou realidade é mera coincidência.
Olho pela janela e encontro uma paisagem estranha. O mundo que eu não conheço desmancha diante dos meus olhos enquanto minha mente tenta aquietar o desconforto dentro do abrigo. É algo que eu nunca senti, afirmo para mentalmente, o caos gelado traz o sinal da morte e ao mesmo tempo acolhe os corações mais desacreditados. Alguns chegam a confirmar que sentem-se aquecidos com aquele horizonte branco. Às vezes faz até sentido, já que tudo não passa de um imenso vazio – a silhueta da cidade, o coração das pessoas. Mas eu prefiro acreditar que a simplicidade só assusta quem consegue notar a tristeza e falta de perspectiva daquele mundo silencioso, morrendo aos poucos sem ao menos soltar um grito de rebeldia. É como um desses finais de filmes trágicos onde uma sinfonia antiga qualquer toca antes que o personagem principal pereça em sua própria loucura.
Eu visto uma roupa qualquer, tecidos que não vieram desse continente. O toque é suave e macio, a alegria das cores aquece o meu ser por completo. Coloco os dois pés – ou as duas botas - sob um tapete branco e orgânico. Onde supostamente deveria avistar o cinza do concreto inanimado, estranhamente remetendo um mundo com mais vida. Não há ninguém do meu lado, e se encontro um rosto qualquer, ele não é familiar. Algumas pessoas que avisto pelo caminho não chegam a ser pessoas, parecem robôs programados para seguir uma rotina que não faz o menor sentido se você sabe o que é sorrir e se rebelar. E por fim enxergo mais humanidade nos olhos dos seus animais de estimação, que carregam um semblante enigmático, quase mártir. Eles não sabem o que fazem, eles dizem, apesar de não pronunciarem uma única palavra. Eles não sabem o que fazem... Continuo minha trajetória.
Não é fácil. Também não é dramático. É só turbilhão de fatos sendo atirados, de forma desordeira, inquietante. É só o vento batendo contra o rosto, desprotegido e mal acostumado com a brisa suave e gentil daquela terra distante. Muitas crenças são destruídas por frases articuladas, preconceituosas e grosseiras. Sonhos são construídos a partir do momento que encontro os meus semelhantes, ergo os braços e rio para a normalidade. Solto um palavrão qualquer seguido de deboche, e finco a rebeldia adolescente que nunca vai embora. Não me contento com os cartões postais e crio um afeto instantâneo por qualquer lugar que comece com B.
Sento impacientemente em um banco no centro da cidade, observo o movimento logo depois que as pessoas deixam seus trabalhos prontas para a incerteza de chegar em casa. Aquilo passa longe de qualquer agitação. Parece uma pintura recém-acabada de um vilarejo de três séculos atrás. Presa em um tempo onde a melancolia era prêmio. Não há nenhum som. Entro em um mercado, compro o que aquele lugar tem a oferecer. Não sei se sou acolhida ou se acolho pequenas felicidades, traços de culturas e paisagens que vi a vida inteira envoltas em uma cúpula de vidro. Escuto um barulho contínuo e incessante. Era um garoto pobre, imigrante.Africano. Parecia bem impaciente - mexia a cada dois segundos e sua vasta compra - , que em sua totalidade era um Kinder ovo que custava menos que um dinheiro de verdade. Ele conta as moedas que possui nas mãos e se dá contra de que não tem o montante suficiente. Corre para dentro da imensidão de prateleiras e eu o perco de vista. Mas não de mente. A imagem fica gravada na minha memória, assim como a falta de observação de todas aqueles seres ao redor. Não sei se perceberam ou fingiram não perceber. As grandes festas e o suposto sentimento de misericórdia invade os corações de todos como aquele branco toma conta da paisagem. É tudo uma mentira, reflito e digo para mim mesma ao lembrar de todos os comentários que rondam sobre este lugar.
Houve sim uma época de glórias. De mentes inquietas, brilhantes e grandes acontecimentos na história moderna. Mas agora a impressão que fica, é a de uma frase que li em uma exposição. Lembro de me inclinar o corpo para ler uma série de manuscritos e rabiscos feitos por um criador não muito distante de mim. There’s nothing in the room except everything that was there.Refleti muito sobre essa frase nos primeiros dias, e agora observando essa neve soa como um epitáfio para esse lugar. Essa gente. Essas memórias. E tudo o que estiver indiretamente relacionado à elas.
Nov 26, 2010
I am alive!
I am so sorry that I did not find a time to come here this week. Being honest, I was just trying to rest a little bit. And what comprehends to rest? It means I've been working at my projects in secret, hahahaha.
I feel like I've done this year with my brand. Next year I'll be involved in many things, so I'm trying to organize and work on these next projects.
Basically, I am in front of a great international project for next year. I can't say too much for now... But it's gonna help indie fashion. Slowly (and I think it's very possible) we are building a spot to indie fellas.
I have a big opportunity to present a collection (in a fashion show) next year here in Europe, and basically, I am trying to find sponsors to invest in the idea. I can't promise anything, but I'll be working hard on it. And also I have my fabrics new projects (for the masses) and this is sure to be released in the first months of 2011. So many things to think about. But I am happy.
For these last weeks in Europe...
Well, since I did not get a time to organize my travel pictures, I can't say too much now about it. I'll do it soon. I just can say last week I was in Paris and this weekend I'll be in Brussels.
And I found a time to write as well. Everybody knows I love writing, and I've been trying to write stories here in Germany. Nothing better than writing. I wrote many stories when I was young, with very good ideas but I used to not have (in my opinion) a good style of writing. As my fashion work, I did not want to copy a style and develop a style from someone else. So it takes time to develop my own style. But now I think that finally I am happy with I've been working on. Like design, writing is a constant exercise, development.. I really want to finish this things I am writing right now.
So, see ya!!!
By the way,here is very cold! Snow is now an evidence!
I feel like I've done this year with my brand. Next year I'll be involved in many things, so I'm trying to organize and work on these next projects.
Basically, I am in front of a great international project for next year. I can't say too much for now... But it's gonna help indie fashion. Slowly (and I think it's very possible) we are building a spot to indie fellas.
I have a big opportunity to present a collection (in a fashion show) next year here in Europe, and basically, I am trying to find sponsors to invest in the idea. I can't promise anything, but I'll be working hard on it. And also I have my fabrics new projects (for the masses) and this is sure to be released in the first months of 2011. So many things to think about. But I am happy.
For these last weeks in Europe...
Well, since I did not get a time to organize my travel pictures, I can't say too much now about it. I'll do it soon. I just can say last week I was in Paris and this weekend I'll be in Brussels.
And I found a time to write as well. Everybody knows I love writing, and I've been trying to write stories here in Germany. Nothing better than writing. I wrote many stories when I was young, with very good ideas but I used to not have (in my opinion) a good style of writing. As my fashion work, I did not want to copy a style and develop a style from someone else. So it takes time to develop my own style. But now I think that finally I am happy with I've been working on. Like design, writing is a constant exercise, development.. I really want to finish this things I am writing right now.
So, see ya!!!
By the way,here is very cold! Snow is now an evidence!
Nov 16, 2010
some words..
I was so hyper that I couldn't write something more deeper about the show and so on. So now I'm here able to do that, I hope you enjoy (and I hope you don't think I am a crazy person who just writes a lot! lol).
Last week was crazy, because I was trying to relax but at same time I couldn't. The designs were all finished but many small things needed to be solved. I was helping as I could (since I am in germany and the fashion show was in Brazil)... Sending e-mails, deciding styling, and so on. I slept very bad and I was not really eating well. I was too naive about thinking I would rest. I am able to rest just now that the show is gone.
At Saturday I visited a city called Nuremberg. If you know a little bit of world history, you probably know what it's about. But if not.. This place was chosen (in the second war) to held a lot of Nazis conventions. It was the site of Nazi Party. And I don't know of you guys, but I was always interested in world history. In Europe, the second war is the event that I really like to search about, so for me it was an important thing. Not just because I was stepping in the same places as the Nazis (and they are sooo creppy, wrong and crazy)... But because they were judged in the same city and now it is a symbol of human rights in Germany. Cool, huh? Well, now this place is very open-minded.. It's possible to find many stylish young people and it's kinda energetic. I LOVE HUMAN RIGHTS, I LOVE BIG CITY FEELING... So I really enjoyed Nuremberg. Creepy past and bright future. Keep on, guys.
So at Monday it was the fashion show in Brazil.. And I just loved the results. It was amazing and you can check all the pics at projects area. Now I am really resting,I am so happy!!! But tomorrow I'll come back to work in some new designs. I am having faith I'll be able to deliver for you another project from Europe, so let's keep the fingers crossed.
Once the show was finished, I felt like I had a lot of things to say. Mostly, many things I told some students at my fashion speech some months ago... It's kinda a happiness to be indie, I can't explain. I just love to have my friends around and work.
My last two shows were something we can call "mainstream". So there was a lot of people involved on it. People that I wish weren't involved because they couldn't understand my lifestyle, ideas, designs and so on.. And most important: some of these people just did not respect my work as it should be respected. I felt kinda limited in the styling and creation of fashion image, kinda dissapointed... It's weird when you really work hard, in difficult condictions and many people feel they have some control of your art. Actually they pretend to know more about it than yourself, but they actually don't know anything.I try to avoid this people. And now I have to confess: it's pretty easy to be a 'fashion designer'. You just need to go to the right parties, to became friend of the right people. But to be a REAL fashion designer, it's very difficult (to be known by your work and designs and not money or friends).And I always wanted to be known by my work. ALWAYS. So due all the market beliefs and 'rules', I prefered to put myself away of mainstream. This year I reborn as an indie fashion designer, but very proud of my work and designs. Once you choose to be indie you have to face a lot of money or investment issues, but you have the most important thing: YOU ARE FREE. Your designs are free, you have total control of your work and you can put passion on it. And being honest, I can't do anything without passion.And freedom.
SO I am really happy with this 3rd fashion show. We work hard on it (me and my friends)... And we worked really in a very "true" way. I could really put my lifestyle on it, my image of fashion and so on. Of course, there's always something we can do better and improve, but let's do it in the next projects. I am always changing and it was interesting to see my fashion concept changing as well. It's rock, baby! I hope you enjoyed it. There's youth power, urbanity, music, rebellion, strength... Everything I really enjoy for now. I am so happy. And confident we can build and conquer our own scene. It's indie power!!!
I'll write more about it, I love to tell you how the things are working from this fashion side... And how we can do it in a different way! So if you like it, share the pics, the song and so on with your friends, let's rock on, people!
Last week was crazy, because I was trying to relax but at same time I couldn't. The designs were all finished but many small things needed to be solved. I was helping as I could (since I am in germany and the fashion show was in Brazil)... Sending e-mails, deciding styling, and so on. I slept very bad and I was not really eating well. I was too naive about thinking I would rest. I am able to rest just now that the show is gone.
At Saturday I visited a city called Nuremberg. If you know a little bit of world history, you probably know what it's about. But if not.. This place was chosen (in the second war) to held a lot of Nazis conventions. It was the site of Nazi Party. And I don't know of you guys, but I was always interested in world history. In Europe, the second war is the event that I really like to search about, so for me it was an important thing. Not just because I was stepping in the same places as the Nazis (and they are sooo creppy, wrong and crazy)... But because they were judged in the same city and now it is a symbol of human rights in Germany. Cool, huh? Well, now this place is very open-minded.. It's possible to find many stylish young people and it's kinda energetic. I LOVE HUMAN RIGHTS, I LOVE BIG CITY FEELING... So I really enjoyed Nuremberg. Creepy past and bright future. Keep on, guys.
So at Monday it was the fashion show in Brazil.. And I just loved the results. It was amazing and you can check all the pics at projects area. Now I am really resting,I am so happy!!! But tomorrow I'll come back to work in some new designs. I am having faith I'll be able to deliver for you another project from Europe, so let's keep the fingers crossed.
Once the show was finished, I felt like I had a lot of things to say. Mostly, many things I told some students at my fashion speech some months ago... It's kinda a happiness to be indie, I can't explain. I just love to have my friends around and work.
My last two shows were something we can call "mainstream". So there was a lot of people involved on it. People that I wish weren't involved because they couldn't understand my lifestyle, ideas, designs and so on.. And most important: some of these people just did not respect my work as it should be respected. I felt kinda limited in the styling and creation of fashion image, kinda dissapointed... It's weird when you really work hard, in difficult condictions and many people feel they have some control of your art. Actually they pretend to know more about it than yourself, but they actually don't know anything.I try to avoid this people. And now I have to confess: it's pretty easy to be a 'fashion designer'. You just need to go to the right parties, to became friend of the right people. But to be a REAL fashion designer, it's very difficult (to be known by your work and designs and not money or friends).And I always wanted to be known by my work. ALWAYS. So due all the market beliefs and 'rules', I prefered to put myself away of mainstream. This year I reborn as an indie fashion designer, but very proud of my work and designs. Once you choose to be indie you have to face a lot of money or investment issues, but you have the most important thing: YOU ARE FREE. Your designs are free, you have total control of your work and you can put passion on it. And being honest, I can't do anything without passion.And freedom.
SO I am really happy with this 3rd fashion show. We work hard on it (me and my friends)... And we worked really in a very "true" way. I could really put my lifestyle on it, my image of fashion and so on. Of course, there's always something we can do better and improve, but let's do it in the next projects. I am always changing and it was interesting to see my fashion concept changing as well. It's rock, baby! I hope you enjoyed it. There's youth power, urbanity, music, rebellion, strength... Everything I really enjoy for now. I am so happy. And confident we can build and conquer our own scene. It's indie power!!!
I'll write more about it, I love to tell you how the things are working from this fashion side... And how we can do it in a different way! So if you like it, share the pics, the song and so on with your friends, let's rock on, people!
Thank you all!!!!! I did a quick video with some info and I hope you enjoy. I'm still organizing pics and material, but I think it's fair to show some to you guys (and also you can listen Yida's new song!)
PS: I don't know if you all know.. But I am in Germany right now, not in Brazil. So I'm trying to do my best to get all info about yesterday's show to you guys :D
PS: I don't know if you all know.. But I am in Germany right now, not in Brazil. So I'm trying to do my best to get all info about yesterday's show to you guys :D
Nov 11, 2010
next steps
Hello, guys.
Well, for those who doesn’t know – I am living something I can call vacations at this week. It’s not really a relax but I am kinda resting but organizing the fashion show… I am also knitting, but taking it easy at same time.
Well, for those who doesn’t know – I am living something I can call vacations at this week. It’s not really a relax but I am kinda resting but organizing the fashion show… I am also knitting, but taking it easy at same time.
In my vacations I really like to think about my next projects. And that’s what I did. I had long chats with my mom and friends, trying to come up with new ideas for next year.
So my announcement is: tchibi will have a project focusing streetwear, something more accessible and for more people (yeah something similar to the clothing I like to wear in my daily life). But we will still run the handmade projects. It’s like it will be divided in lines: one more artistic and conceptual, the other one more “real life”. It was something I was thinking to do even this year but due some other plans (like living in another country for a while) I could not to put it in practice. Anyway it was good since we can arrange and plan everything better. Tomorrow I’ll get my notebook , pencil, headphones and I’ll start to draw the first ideas. Good thing it’s that finally I’ll give the attention to menswear as well. Boys are always asking “when you are gonna design for boys?” so I think this next project is gonna be the perfect time for that. YAY! I hope you receive it as good news. It really is. Tchibi will reach even more people, maybe new places (I loved to know that USA likes the designs!). Maybe someday I’ll design for aliens, who knows.
PS: While I wrote the title for this post, I couldn't help myself and THIS SONG came to my mind. I am crazy!
Nov 10, 2010
I am one of those modern and frenetic lifestyle people who have their nostalgic times. When my friend tagged me in an article about New Kids on the Block and BSB, I really stopped to think that I am kinda old. But it's a funny way to think you're old, don't you think? I just have fun because once something it's on the top, one day it will be funny. Believe me!
Somehow... this was amazing!! hahaha The funny fact is that I still like those things..
Ok, now let's talk about something serious and about the big event of this weekend: the fashion show!
I would like to talk about make up and hair. but It's kinda complicated to talk about it without giving some clues. But I can say it is in good hands (thanks Niel and Bruna!!). They are working on very interesting references, something around rock style, japanese traditional make up and 20's. The eyes will be on spotlight !!!
I would like to talk about make up and hair. but It's kinda complicated to talk about it without giving some clues. But I can say it is in good hands (thanks Niel and Bruna!!). They are working on very interesting references, something around rock style, japanese traditional make up and 20's. The eyes will be on spotlight !!!
Nov 8, 2010
Time and music
Time is a constant suffering to the creative people. Sometimes you feel like you don't have enough time to complete some project or you just feel there's too much time left to you be able to promote your next idea. I am never happy about the time and I don't think I will in next months. I wish I could be some magic being who has the power to stop the time, but unfortunately I don't. But I have an empty room, my work and loud music. That's enough to forget time. That's why once I am working, I am listening to music.
Talking about music, I could tell you about all my favorite genres and so on. But let's be a little more specific about my next fashion show. Every detail is important (make up and hair, models and other stuff I'll write about in next posts), but something I really have fun is deciding fashion's show soundtrack.
At the first show I was talking a lot with a brazilian composer called Lupa Mabuze (sharing my music references and lifestyle opinions with him) and he came with an very exciting beat. It made a good connection with that collection. At second show I was listening world music and Yida Huang came to my ears (one of his songs was in the show).
At this year I am very glad to say Yida composed a song just for the show! Yay! That's amazing. Firstly because it was something I was not expecting at all. Secondly, everyone knows I am somehow (spiritually) asian, hahaha. I was working with an asian theme (yokais) and it was amazing to have more asian references at this project. Specially in music. Yida, thank you very much for the song, I really loved it!! It totally got the vibe I was thinking to this show.
Ok , fellas, if you have no idea about what I am writing, just listen to his songs:
Cool, huh? Nice songs and heart of gold. If you wanna check more info, visit his page. Yay!!
Now let's run my last project here in Europe. Today I was kinda relaxing, writing and solving stock issues.. Just dealing with easy tasks. But tomorrow I'll start new designs. Wish me luck!
I promise I'll come back to talk about make up and other things on the fashion show. It's this week, people! I am excited. And you guys?
Talking about music, I could tell you about all my favorite genres and so on. But let's be a little more specific about my next fashion show. Every detail is important (make up and hair, models and other stuff I'll write about in next posts), but something I really have fun is deciding fashion's show soundtrack.
At the first show I was talking a lot with a brazilian composer called Lupa Mabuze (sharing my music references and lifestyle opinions with him) and he came with an very exciting beat. It made a good connection with that collection. At second show I was listening world music and Yida Huang came to my ears (one of his songs was in the show).
At this year I am very glad to say Yida composed a song just for the show! Yay! That's amazing. Firstly because it was something I was not expecting at all. Secondly, everyone knows I am somehow (spiritually) asian, hahaha. I was working with an asian theme (yokais) and it was amazing to have more asian references at this project. Specially in music. Yida, thank you very much for the song, I really loved it!! It totally got the vibe I was thinking to this show.
Ok , fellas, if you have no idea about what I am writing, just listen to his songs:
Cool, huh? Nice songs and heart of gold. If you wanna check more info, visit his page. Yay!!
Now let's run my last project here in Europe. Today I was kinda relaxing, writing and solving stock issues.. Just dealing with easy tasks. But tomorrow I'll start new designs. Wish me luck!
I promise I'll come back to talk about make up and other things on the fashion show. It's this week, people! I am excited. And you guys?
Nov 1, 2010
First Frankfurt am Main photoshoot!
Gosh, it's been a time I don't bring any news to this blog. I don't like to stay away of this "brand diary" but at same time everything was really frenetic that I almost could not breath.
I have to say something folks: it's been hard times for me, but wonderful and exciting times for tchibi! I am almost dying of too much work, projects and things to solve, but I am so satisfied with tchibi's brand. Basically, in past, I would say something like "It were just my efforts". But I am happily to say that now I always find creative and good people around and all this projects we are running it's all their efforts as well. So that's why tchibi is more and more involved in creative projects.. Because the circle of tchibi's collaborators and friends are growing fast. Yeah, guys who are working in brazil, I love you all. And also I miss Clicksp's fellas! I'll be back soon anyway, but I am happily about these guys I've meet here in Frankfurt am Main. We just had a new photoshoot yesterday at city's central area and I can say it was fun and we got some wonderful pictures! Thanks you all and I hope everything goes fine to our next photoshoot here!
Well, I was wondering if I had post here some backstage pictures of the other shoots and I think I didn't. So now you can see this really nice people in action (and rockin in the pics!):
My fashion show is coming soon, 14th november. Good for you guys, kinda bad for me. Since I am rushing my deadlines like a crazy one. But since it's passion and love on this, I am sure I'll be very glad after the fashion show. It's indie power going around all these projects and I have to thank you all to follow it!
My next post will be about music... I'll explain it better tomorrow. Now let's go back to work!
See ya!
Oct 22, 2010
YOU.kai collection
Hi guys,
I am still in Europe but I would like to invite all you guys to get into my new collection. Yay, there's gonna be a fashion show (São Paulo's city) in November and everybody is invited! If you can't understand portuguese, please send me an e-mail ( and I can give you more details in english.
I am still in Europe but I would like to invite all you guys to get into my new collection. Yay, there's gonna be a fashion show (São Paulo's city) in November and everybody is invited! If you can't understand portuguese, please send me an e-mail ( and I can give you more details in english.
Anyway I'll do a stream via Ustream at 15th showing all videos and pics I got from the show and also I'll do some talking about the collection and the whole process. I'm still working and how this is gonna work but don't worry, in some days I can give you guys more details about it (and the time it will be on air!)
And I would like to thanks people from Ustrendy who put me in the top 100 designers to watch! Thank you so much..!!!!!
*Especial information about my fashion show in portuguese*
Oi pessoal!
Gostaria de convidar todos vocês para o desfile que acontecerá em novembro. O evento será aberto ao público.
Dia: 14 de novembro
Horas: a confirmar.
Local: Parque da Juventude (ao lado da estação Carandiru) - Avenida Cruzeiro do Sul, 2630 - Santana
Dúvidas? Manda um e-mail! (
*Especial information about my fashion show in portuguese*
Oi pessoal!
Gostaria de convidar todos vocês para o desfile que acontecerá em novembro. O evento será aberto ao público.
Dia: 14 de novembro
Horas: a confirmar.
Local: Parque da Juventude (ao lado da estação Carandiru) - Avenida Cruzeiro do Sul, 2630 - Santana
Dúvidas? Manda um e-mail! (
Sep 15, 2010
Tchibi is now in germany. How exciting is that?
I'm trying to organize a fashion project here. In future I'll give you guys more details!!
So, I'll try to enjoy now. I took this week to relax a little bit!!
Take care, guys!
I'm trying to organize a fashion project here. In future I'll give you guys more details!!
So, I'll try to enjoy now. I took this week to relax a little bit!!
Take care, guys!
Sep 13, 2010
Change and attitude
These days I was thinking that my whole life and brand is around two words.
Change and attitude.
Change and attitude.
I don't know when and how I got these two words as a way of living, but I can say it has drove me to very interesting results during all these years.
Now I let it guides me and tchibi again to a new vibe... In a land that seems distant, but not so far away.
In a place that maybe will be more suitable to my upcoming projects...
But if you are brazilian, don't worry. Everything will be the same about tchibi. You'll still be able to purchase it and so on. I'm running a show (november, here we go!).
One very important thing about the show: It will be open for EVERYBODY. Do you wanna see or touch some of tchibi's designs? In November you'll have a good and interesting opportunity to do that.I am so excited about it ...
But at this moment, I'll try to run at same time a new project in Europe. I am travelling today. Please send me good vibrations and wait for more interesting designs+photography+change+attitude+art.
Now I let it guides me and tchibi again to a new vibe... In a land that seems distant, but not so far away.
In a place that maybe will be more suitable to my upcoming projects...
But if you are brazilian, don't worry. Everything will be the same about tchibi. You'll still be able to purchase it and so on. I'm running a show (november, here we go!).
One very important thing about the show: It will be open for EVERYBODY. Do you wanna see or touch some of tchibi's designs? In November you'll have a good and interesting opportunity to do that.I am so excited about it ...
But at this moment, I'll try to run at same time a new project in Europe. I am travelling today. Please send me good vibrations and wait for more interesting designs+photography+change+attitude+art.
With love,
Sep 7, 2010
The best thing we do is something people told us we couldn't.
It's not about provocation, but determination.
Some months ago I did some speech to fashion students. I tried to talk about how important is to maintain a willpower even though they can't find a support or good words at first moment.
It's very easy to give up (and a lot of people tell us everyday) but it's kinda hard to persist. I'm in the second team. I don't know where I learnt this, but I try to never give up on the things I love. I go till the end. And I hope I can do the same about Tchibi :)
I have to confess it's not easy. But it's all worth!
Everytime I see something like this:

I feel like "I love this and I'll go till the end!"
Many... I said many people (yeah, even in the 'fashion world') told me my work was not really good, I had to change it, or that, or treat me like I was not a serious designer. And I am here to say the best thing we do is something people told us we couldn't.
It's not about provocation, but determination.
Some months ago I did some speech to fashion students. I tried to talk about how important is to maintain a willpower even though they can't find a support or good words at first moment.
It's very easy to give up (and a lot of people tell us everyday) but it's kinda hard to persist. I'm in the second team. I don't know where I learnt this, but I try to never give up on the things I love. I go till the end. And I hope I can do the same about Tchibi :)
I have to confess it's not easy. But it's all worth!
Everytime I see something like this:

I feel like "I love this and I'll go till the end!"
Many... I said many people (yeah, even in the 'fashion world') told me my work was not really good, I had to change it, or that, or treat me like I was not a serious designer. And I am here to say the best thing we do is something people told us we couldn't.
Sep 6, 2010
Sep 5, 2010
(Pic by Mari Milanezi)
I have no words (or maybe just one word) to describe this day. AMAZING. The photo shoot was even better than the other one. These guys (photographers, models, make up artists, hair stylists, parents, husbands, wives and everybody involved on this project) ROX!!
Sep 4, 2010
Help I'm alive...
(pic by Levi Bianco)
I can't believe that I got some free time to write. YAY!
Ok guys, now I'm here to talk about the last projects I've been working on. Firstly, I was called to be part of some photoshoots at ClickSP, a very nice group of photographers (I was called by a make-up artist). I'm enjoying a lot, and everybody is doing an incredible job. I still did not get time to update it at my website, but surely you can check some pictures at this link.
The fashion show will be now in November, so I really got more time to work on it. Somehow it sounds awesome to me since next week I'll be preparing everything for my time in another country. Wish me luck! I really would like to be able to write more frequently but time is really passing by in a fast way. But don't worry, I'll try to write at least a line tomorrow, after the photo shoot.
See ya!!
PS 1: By the way, Brazil is living summer in winter period.. It's almost 30C here. Crazy, huh?
PS 2: The title is a reference to a Metric's song. "They're going to eat me alive..."
Aug 24, 2010
Fashion show diary - Part 1
Hello folks, mostly you guys know me as crazy designer. But why exactly should I be named crazy? Well, my friends have a lot of reasons for saying that, and I think you all will have the same reasons now. It's been a time I wanted to start a blog for my beloved brand but I always had some project to do. Now, actually, I'm into the most chaotic period for my brand and life as well. Tchibi is growing up, I'm running several projects at same time, Tiririca is a candidate in brazilian elections, I'm moving to another country, I'm into intensive running training... I'll survive.
I am really excited because now I have freedom to speak more details about my next fashion show. You guys know I did 2 fashion shows in my life and all of them were under crazy contracts and condictions. But now, I'm able to tell you everything (of course, some secrets will be kept to perfect moment ~ the show!).
The name of the collection is "JPN tales", which means I'll develop something about japanese culture and tales. Japanese culture is something really vast and I could spent a whole day writing about it, but I'm sure you guys will love to know it through my new show. So prepare yourself because I'm literally giving my blood to these new designs :)
Ok, I did a very good deal today and shoes will be all from Marc Ecko's brands. If you don't know it, please click in the link to get some more information. These sneakers are awesome and I'm sure it totally get the spirit of this collection. Basically, I am big city girl and I love streetwear vibration. That's why I'm so happy about having it on my show.
Here's a picture of one sneaker:
Cool, huh? I chose a lot of designs, so I'm sure you guys will love all of them in the show.
Well, basically that's what I did today. I almost forgot! I'm working as well in the most conceptual look of the collection. It's gonna take ages to sew everything, but the result will be strikingly beautiful!
I promise to come back tomorrow and give more information.
So take care and don't ruin your sleeping time because you are writing and fixing your blog, ok? :P
*My english is not that perfect but I think it's better writing in english so everybody can understand it. But I still love my native language!*
I am really excited because now I have freedom to speak more details about my next fashion show. You guys know I did 2 fashion shows in my life and all of them were under crazy contracts and condictions. But now, I'm able to tell you everything (of course, some secrets will be kept to perfect moment ~ the show!).
The name of the collection is "JPN tales", which means I'll develop something about japanese culture and tales. Japanese culture is something really vast and I could spent a whole day writing about it, but I'm sure you guys will love to know it through my new show. So prepare yourself because I'm literally giving my blood to these new designs :)
Ok, I did a very good deal today and shoes will be all from Marc Ecko's brands. If you don't know it, please click in the link to get some more information. These sneakers are awesome and I'm sure it totally get the spirit of this collection. Basically, I am big city girl and I love streetwear vibration. That's why I'm so happy about having it on my show.
Here's a picture of one sneaker:

Well, basically that's what I did today. I almost forgot! I'm working as well in the most conceptual look of the collection. It's gonna take ages to sew everything, but the result will be strikingly beautiful!
I promise to come back tomorrow and give more information.
So take care and don't ruin your sleeping time because you are writing and fixing your blog, ok? :P
*My english is not that perfect but I think it's better writing in english so everybody can understand it. But I still love my native language!*
Jun 29, 2010
May 22, 2010
Apr 26, 2010
Mar 21, 2010
Feb 15, 2010
Sculptures by Jin Young Yu
Ok, today let's check some inspiritional sculptures. I get kinda excited about this kind of artwork, there's a lot of form possibilities and it's amazing to check some modern design and not just that old greek or roman style.
To check more artworks by Jin Young Yu, click here.
Jan 27, 2010
As 80's movies used to say, "be yourself"
In the last days I've have been asked so many times in Formspring about fashion tips and always when I have some time I answer it. These questions made me think a lot about some issues.
We live times that people are all insecure about theirselves, where "be yourself" dissapears and give its place to a huge consumption and emptiness. The world in some way conspires to "true" people believe they need to follow a standard that they can't fit, doing all this people to accept routines, jobs, clothes and goods that tells nothing about what they have inside.
It's a fact we all grew up around 80's teen movies saying "be yourself", and even having this kind of thoughts in mind, how many people really live this philosophy after being an adult? Many people still think they need a Marc Jacobs bag, rich boyfriend or a trip to Bahamas to be fabulous. They can't understand the key of being fabulous it's inside, wriggling to be potentiated and released to the world.
I always say a sentence when someone ask me an advice and I still believe so much in the power of this words: "You can be well dressed even wearing clothes you bought at supermarket."
Fashion's style consists more in people than what they are wearing. It's more relevant to understand how someone wears something than which label is written in a tag. To buy a tag it's very simple, everybody can have a credit card in hands, but the way someone dress something it's always unique. And you can apply it for other aspects in life: people need to believe that they can be original because everybody have a particular way of seeing the world.
Maybe I'm looking a little bit outdated writing about this issue again, but I believe this kind of reflection it's the only way to comprehend what's fashion and its real role in our society.
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